Hybrid and Innovative digital aware Class
Project number: 2020-1-IT02-KA226-SCH-095699
Implementation period: 2021-05-16 – 2023-05-15
About the Project
Facing the epochal transition that legitimises digital technologies as an indispensable tool to guarantee the right to education, questions arise that prevent us from combining methodologies, awareness and innovation in the best possible way. Teachers are not yet able to effectively design digital teaching lessons both in hybrid situations (students in the presence and simultaneously students online) and mixed ones. They need not only to acquire skills in the use of softwares and hardwares, but they must gain confidence in the effectiveness of the medium, get out of the comfort zone of the “traditional lesson”, facing the new challenge posed by the pandemic conditions.

The partnership has the following objectives:
make the teaching-learning process more effective in the context of mixed and hybrid teaching;
enhance the key competence of students in developing an autonomous learning methodology of knowledge through the use of digital technological tools as a way to access in the extent of information available on the Internet.
Intellectual outputs
Digital Duty Manager profile
Repository of online teaching methods and paths
Development of a peer learning framework for Teachers