External Dissemination in Italy - 16th and 23rd of March 2023
Two training/information meetings on the HiClass project – ID 2020-1-IT02-KA226-SCH-095699 – funded by Erasmus+ measure – were held at our Institute on Thursday, March 16 and March 23.
Teachers from the project team Lidia Trinca, Ada Di Iorio, Carla Di Campli, Gabriella Ferretti, Maria Paola Masciulli, Sabrina Trimigno, Vera Marcella, Milena Moretti, Marina Chimisso, Antonietta Merlicco coordinated by Prof. Stefano Cesinaro, met with their colleagues from other schools in the region to inform them about the potential of hybrid education and the role of the DDM (Digital Duty Manager).
After an introductory part on the role of the Digital Duty Manager and the intellectual outputs produced, the second part of the meetings, on the other hand, were dedicated to sharing the experiences of hybrid didactics experimented at Volta through the methodologies Debate, Coggling books, disciplinary lab, and Project based learning. Also interesting were the interents of the pupils (5BI) who reported their experiences of hybrid robotics lab as tutors of students from other European schools on incoming Erasmus.
The meetings were also an opportunity for those enrolled to experience firsthand some of the methodologies in hybrid mode through activities organized by the team teachers.
Introduzione incontro 23 marzo 2023
Introduzione incontro marzo 2023